Diverse researchers have identified smoking as the main risk factor directly linked to chronic pain disorders in the spine, middle and upper back.
The determination of back pain and its relationship with smoking indicates that the symptoms of pain are more intense in patients who are active smokers, in contrast to passive smokers or who had quit smoking who suffered less intense pain, as it indicated the analog scale of visual type that was used to make the measurement.
Smoking is one of the first causes of death in the world and its relationship with back pain, lower back and other chronic pain was established through various studies, noting that nicotine acts as follows:
-Reduces blood flow through the spine.
-Increase the risk of osteoporosis by negatively influencing the process of generation of bone cells (osteocytes).
-Increase the concentration of compounds that act as pain conductors in the blood, increasing the pain threshold in patients who smoke.
Tobacco and its derivative compounds damage the vascular structure of the discs and joints that make up the spine, resulting in back pain. In a more general aspect, muscle pain manifested by a smoker is more frequent and intense than a person who does not smoke. In the smoker, both the intensity and the frequency of pain increase with time; becoming a chronic pain.
Chronic smokers are more likely to suffer pain in the lower back, back and spine; statistically it has been found that young people are more susceptible to pain than adults because the reduction of blood flow is faster.