In the case of back pain, some measures can be taken:
-Avoid resting in bed, if possible. The patient should avoid bed rest as a treatment for back pain. If the pain forces to keep it, it should be as short as possible. Studies show that this measure delays recovery.
-Stay as active as possible. Experts point out that you should maintain as much activity as possible and try to normalize your activity as soon as possible.
-Postural hygiene: Avoid overloading the back.
-Apply heat or cold: If relieved, the patient can apply heat or cold in the painful area, although no scientific studies have been done to evaluate its effect. In general, the cold is applied immediately after the injury and the heat in the exacerbation of chronic ailments.
It is applied in three phases:
Phase 1: At the beginning, and especially if the pain is not very intense and only affects the back -and there is no pain radiating to the arm or leg-, analgesics are recommended.
Phase 2: If analgesics are not effective, their replacement by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be considered. In general, its use is not recommended more than 14 days in a row.
Phase 3: If it is not enough to control the pain, the specialist should consider adding a short course of muscle relaxant, for less than 1 week.
Neuroreflexotherapy intervention (NRT)
If the back pain, with or without irradiated pain, persists after 14 days of pharmacological treatment, an NRT intervention is indicated.
Pharmacological treatment is contraindicated in pregnant women.
If the first intervention NRT achieves the total disappearance of the symptomatology and the normalization of the physical examination, it is not necessary to repeat it unless in the future new painful episodes reappear. In the event that partial or transitory improvement is achieved, it can be repeated until a complete and definitive improvement is achieved. If it does not get any effect, it does not make sense to intervene again.
In patients who have not returned to their usual activities after 6 weeks, an attempt should be made to begin an exercise regimen.
Initially they can try soft and generic activities, such as walking or swimming, to avoid weakening the musculature. Later, specific exercises for the back can be started.
Once the painful episode has passed, exercise and postural hygiene reduce the risk of a crisis appearing or reproducing.