Golf can cause injuries in two regions of the back, the lower back and the back. I will explain the types and causes of injuries that we can have in the back due to golf and how to avoid them:
1 - Muscle injuries are the most avoidable injuries of this sport, in addition to the most frequent. In the process of perfecting our technique we will make sudden gestures that demand a lot from the muscles of the back. So, both the dorsal and lumbar areas can be affected. The dorsal region is the one that will perform much of the rotation of the spine during the blow. On the other hand, the posterior musculature of the lower back has to hold us in the hitting posture.
Muscle injuries are prevented by maintaining a good physical shape and warming up and stretching before playing.
2 - Lesions in the lower back (L5-S1). This region is going to be the most prone to injury in the practice of golf for several reasons:
- The position we adopt to hit the ball leads to an anterior trunk flexion. It must be accompanied with adequate knee flexion to balance and give greater mobility to the back. Even so, we cannot avoid the effects of this position altogether. Being in anterior flexion puts more pressure on the L5-S1 disc and an increase in tension in the lumbar extensor musculature.
Two things are important in order to minimize stress in the hitting position. The obvious is a good technique. For this it is recommended that a golf teacher observe us and help us to maintain a correct posture. The not so obvious is an adequate elasticity of the hamstrings and psoas mainly. If these muscles are not flexible enough, the pelvis will not be free to accompany the movement and all the effort will be concentrated in the lower back.
- The rotation of the lumbar area during the strike is performed mainly in the articulation of the last lumbar vertebra with the sacrum (L5-S1). Due to the particularities of the posture and the turn to hit the ball, this joint will be the most damaged.
- Playing golf involves walking and standing for a long time. This is one of the least considered and most important factors affecting the back of a golfer. To avoid injuries during the hitting of the ball it is important that the lumbar muscles are not exhausted. This can be solved in several ways. It is a good idea to get in the habit of sitting 3 minutes after each hole.