Low back pain affects most tennis players at some point in their sporting life. The causes that cause pain vary from the work posture, to the type of footwear that is used for tennis training or physical preparation.
During a tennis match there are a lot of impacts against the ground, depending on the surface of the track, changes of direction, accelerations and decelerations. These shocks are transmitted through the joints (ankle - knee - hip) to the lumbar area and are causing muscle tension. If we add to this the execution of technical blows we can find muscular imbalances that cause, mainly, pain in the lower back (lower back).
Discovering the problem may take a while, muscle tension is usually the main cause, however, there may be a dysmetria (one leg shorter than another), bad support due to joint pain, incorrect technical gestures, etc.
For these cases, the first thing is to consult the specialist doctor in column, who will be the one to indicate the treatment to follow.
The pain can also originate in the lack of muscular tone of the back due to lack of specific exercises. The strengthening of the middle zone (abdominal and lumbar) is the key for most cases.
How to avoid pain
- • Perform a good warm-up before training or competitions, especially in times of low ambient temperatures.
- • Cool down after training or match with soft aerobic exercise and stretching to minimize muscle tension especially in the posterior muscle chain.
- • Strengthening of the middle zone with abdominal exercises, lumbar exercises, "core stability", etc, as preventive work.
- • Maintain a correct posture when sitting. We currently dedicate many hours of the day to be in front of the computer, be it for work, study, etc, it is important to learn to detect the postural vices that affect the lower back. A good posture is to place 90 degrees both knees, hips (lower back) and elbows.
- • A bad footprint can be the origin of muscle and joint maladjustments that can cause back pain. Consult a podiatrist if this is the case, who will determine if the use of templates is necessary.
In any case if the pain persists it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor, since a small discomfort could cause a serious injury. The doctor will determine the treatment and refer to the appropriate professional.